Say hello to Team Rawlingson Lane...
Kevin, Jane, Bea, Dani, Ellen, James, Di and Nikki.
Kevin Gregory
DirectorSay hello to Kevin The boss! A marathon running, golf playing poker master who takes competitiveness to the next level. They say a messy desk is linked to high intelligence which means Kevin could give Einstein a run for his money. Still, keeping the business running and clients happy is a big job and he’s just the person to do it.
Jane Whittles
Account DirectorA pilates loving, wine drinking Italophile who crafts a splendid spreadsheet. With a sense of humour that’s only allowed out in the office environment, Jane loves a big project and a good branding workshop.
Bea O'Dwyer
Senior Account ManagerA shopping loving, intermittent runner who undoubtedly has the tidiest desk in the office and always uses lovely hand cream (that we borrow when she isn’t looking). Bea likes to create impressive advertising plans and holds the record for the number of feature responses and press releases written in a day.
Dani Canepari
Senior Account ExecutiveA cat-obsessed, gym-going Espresso Martini lover with a lip balm stashed in every nook and cranny. Dani is a creative enthusiast who must be organised for anything and everything, whether inside or outside of the office. Need directions? Geography might not be her forte, but she excels at spreading positivity, is your go-to for a fun chat, and loves a good laugh!
Rawlingson Lane
Would you like to join the team? Send us an email and let's chat.
Ellen Gale
PR & Social Media ExecutiveA mountain trekking, pub quizzer who really isn’t a fan of early mornings. Ellen loves to write and has a pun up her sleeve for every eventuality. She creates a pretty mean social media calendar too.
Di Gregory
Financial ControllerA gin loving, always volunteering, plant eating financial wizard with a friendly smile, who makes the company’s accounts balance. Di is our favourite office person as she makes sure we all get paid, so we always ensure she has a cup of tea and a biscuit on her desk.
Nikki Field
Office Support ExecutiveA bike riding, bunting creating eternal student who is a bundle of energy. Nikki keeps the office running smoothly and ensures we always have everything we need, and more. With a love of classic cars and a passion for restoring vintage Singer sewing machines, Nikki is also always happy to turn her hand to a press release or a feature response when needed.
James Watts
VideographerA camera obsessed, one time thespian, who decided he'd be happier behind the camera instead of in front of it. James is our videographer who makes the magic happen and always has a new gadget to show us.